Fort Benning Maneuver Center of Excellence

Since its inception Fort Benning has served as the Home of the Infantry. Established as Camp Benning in October 1918 just outside Columbus, GA, the post initially provided basic training for World War I units. In February 1920, Congress voted to declare Camp Benning a permanent military post and appropriated more than $1 million of additional building funds for the Infantry School of Arms, which later became the Infantry School. By the fall of 1920, more than 350 officers, 7,000 troops and 650 student officers lived at Camp Benning. The post was renamed to Fort Benning in 1922. The post was renamed to Fort Moore in 2023.

Today, Fort Benning supports more than 120,000 active-duty military, family members, reserve component soldiers, retirees, and civilian employees on a daily basis. It is a power projection platform and possesses the capability to deploy combat-ready forces by air, rail and highway. The post is the home of the United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, the United States Army Armor School, United States Army Infantry School, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, elements of the 75th Ranger Regiment, 3rd Brigade – 3rd Infantry Division, and many other additional tenant units.

Just minutes from the center of Columbus, GA, Fort Benning employs more than 40,000 people and is the city’s largest employer.